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Word from Nairnshire

    by Sandy Shaw

May 4, 2010

If a leading trade unionist made a speech like this today, it would be on the front page of every newspaper tomorrow. That was the stunning comment made recently in our daily Bible Reading Notes.

The passage being studied was from the letter written by James, the half brother of Jesus, where the text says, “Now listen, you rich people, weep and wail because of the misery that is coming upon you.”

This is strong stuff. Maybe it is too strong for some, but it has the authority and imprimatur of Almighty God behind it.

A few sentences later, James writes about…  ( Click for more )

April 27, 2010

Questions are good, particularly when they are directed at someone who can provide satisfactory and satisfying answers.

When that top theologian courageously approached Jesus Christ with his questions he was not disappointed.

To begin with he did not understand what Jesus was meaning. That happens often.

When he was told that he needed to be born again, this only raised further questions. That can be healthy.

Jesus skips all the palavers. Jesus avoids arranging a series of counselling sessions for Nicodemus, but goes right to the heart of his problem.

Nicodemus…  ( Click for more )

April 20, 2010

A disaster and catastrophe of ‘apocalyptic proportions’ was the favoured language used by many in the media when reporting on the earthquake in Haiti.

Why use this biblical terminology? In certain circumstances there is none better.

Apocalyptic simply means a lifting of the veil, or a prophetic disclosure, and has its origin in the book of Revelation, which can be a ‘happy hunting ground’ for some, whilst for others it is left well alone, and remains unread.

Many can be afraid of really getting into this book, but the Word of God was never intended…  ( Click for more )

April 13, 2010

Most Advent programmes climax by 25 December, but not this one.

The Barnabas prayer guide continues right on to 26 December, the Feast of Stephen, remembering the first disciple of Jesus Christ to die for his faith.

The joy, which Jesus Christ undoubtedly gives, is inseparably united with a degree of suffering, and even sacrifice.

Thousands around the world today would testify to that reality.

Yes, remember the birth of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, but take time to reflect on the immense cost of following the newborn King.

Stephen was a man of faith, filled with…  ( Click for more )

April 6, 2010

At this time of year there comes that gentle reminder to write on ‘debt’, and the ‘danger of debt’. Why? Well, more people get into serious debt in December than in any other month.

Before I returned to Kenya in October, the Pastors sent me topics on which they wanted me to speak and teach.

At the team meetings in Kisumu and Nairobi, I mentioned the crisis of debt in Britain, and asked if they would like me to speak about debt. The reply was that there was no need to speak about debt as we do not have debt. “We do not buy unless we can pay!” …  ( Click for more )

March 30, 2010

One man wanted to go further. There usually is.

There is always someone wanting to go further when they know there is something real, and when they are hungry and thirsty for that reality.

This man had heard of Jesus. He had seen Jesus’ miracles and now he had a deep desire for more.

He held a prominent position as a religious teacher and could be regarded as a professor of theology. He was trained to answer questions and would know all the orthodox doctrines.

He had so many things all neatly worked out, and then Jesus Christ came along, shaking his cosy comfortable…  ( Click for more )

March 23, 2010

Attending a leader’s conference recently, the main speaker encouraged the Pastors and Bible teachers present to take people through the Gospel of John, and then through the Book of Acts.

“Give your people a solid sound grounding in what is foundational for faith and life.”

Some men present admitted that they had never done this. Texts and themes have their value, but teaching the people of God, the Word of God, gives an understanding which is essential.

Why John? A second question may be relevant? Why are there four Gospels, and not just one account? …  ( Click for more )

March 16, 2010

It was a very real two-way prayerful conversation.

A young man’s mother kept bringing out photographs of him as a baby. Becoming upset and embarrassed, he took it to God in prayer.

He sensed this answer come.

I too wish people would not bring me out every year portraying and displaying me as a baby.

I am a man, with important things to say, as I challenge sin.

I have teaching to impart, which will help everyone who pays serious attention.

As a man, I called men, and will continue to call men until it is the time of my return.

My desire and longing…  ( Click for more )

March 9, 2010

He was a little apprehensive to begin with when it came to speaking out on certain specific crucial issues concerning the nation.

Many prophets experience that, and Jeremiah was no exception, but God anointed him with the essential courage and boldness, as his mouth was filled with light and truth.

Jeremiah realised he had to tell bad news to people, knowing they would not believe him.

People had brought most of their troubles upon themselves by running after gods which did not exist, and by becoming more heavily involved in idolatry.

If he would not preach what God…  ( Click for more )

February 9, 2010

Jeremiah, like every true prophet, spoke from God, and spoke for God, and his words came true. That is the mark of a true prophet.

Beware of the man who says something is going to happen, and it does not.

The prophet is a key to what God is saying to the church, or to the world. He reveals or interprets what God is doing in the world, or what He is about to do.

Take care not to lose the key or throw away the key. They did that in Jeremiah’s day, and they did the same in Jesus’ day.

Humanly speaking, Jeremiah would have preferred to shrink back or slip away,…  ( Click for more )

February 2, 2010

He thought he could not do it. No wonder he recoiled from the challenge. God was calling Jeremiah to speak to a rebellious nation.

To begin with he was afraid. That is understandable.

Fear can paralyse and make us self-conscious, until we curl up and become artificially shy.

Jeremiah tried to wriggle out of his calling, but there was no escape route.

As God saw and knew Jeremiah’s potential, He poured more and more into this maturing prophet.

God reached out and touched his lips, putting His words into Jeremiah’s mouth.

Lips are a most sensitive…  ( Click for more )

January 26, 2010

Early on in his ministry God gave Jeremiah amazing pictures. Each began with a question. “What do you see?”

“I see the branch of an almond tree.” It was a very simple picture, but its significance gradually unfolded.

There is a play on the Hebrew words here. The almond tree is the first to blossom in spring, and the blossom comes before the leaves. In Israel, it is a sign of spring and awakening after winter.

It is called ‘the waker tree’, and God speaks about waking and watching.

God was about to spring into action. He is awake,…  ( Click for more )

January 19, 2010

Who is this man? What is he made of? How did he emerge from obscurity to become a major figure?

Jeremiah is one of the prophets raised up by God at a time when the situation in the nation was serious and critical.

Israel was facing a crisis. Israel was facing the judgment of God.

Was he some extraordinary man of God, who was always reading the writings of Moses, and always praying, and eager to rise up and speak at every opportunity? No. At least, not to begin with!

He was reluctant to carry out the task to which God was calling him, but he changes. He was transformed…  ( Click for more )

January 12, 2010

It has been an arduous twelve months for some since the financial crisis broke.

Many have experienced a difficult year, as the battle over bonuses continues to rage.

Bonuses have the new name of variable compensation, with the hope that ordinary people will overlook or forget what has been going on, whilst a few continue to earn more in a year than most will earn in a lifetime.

We have heard of greed, and deception verging on corruption, but not once have I heard the word, sin, and that is basically what has caused the hurt, distress, and an incredible level of debt. …  ( Click for more )

January 5, 2010

As the seasons move on, we are now remembering the Feast of Tabernacles which is widely regarded to be the time when Jesus Christ was born in Bethlehem of Judea.

In Jerusalem, and Jewish communities around the world, decorated booths can be seen in hotel gardens and residential balconies, and for eight days people will have their meals in these flimsy temporary shelters.

It is a reminder of the forty years the Children of Israel spent in the wilderness living in tabernacles or booths or tents.

It is a time for remembering, and giving thanks to God Who led His people…  ( Click for more )

December 29, 2009

Ten days following New Year, the Children of Israel observe Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, which continues to remain the most solemn day of the year throughout Israel and most Jewish communities.

Although Yom Kippur is an intense holy day, if it is observed properly, by the end of Yom Kippur men will have made peace with others, and with God.

The three essential components of Yom Kippur are repentance, prayer and fasting.

Yom Kippur is a day of reconciliation, when Jews strive to make amends with people and draw closer to God through prayer and fasting.

Peoplepray…  ( Click for more )

December 22, 2009

We were strolling along Ben Yehuda Street, in central Jerusalem, when we were met by young Israelis offering slices of apple dipped in honey.

It was Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, which was last Friday, and means the head of the year.

These young folks were encouraging people to have a fruitful and sweet year.

For the children of God in Old Testament times, this feast or festival was a memorial, when they were called to keep their appointment with God, and to remember who they were.

No regular work was to be done, and sacrifices were to be offered. It was a Sabbath,…  ( Click for more )

December 15, 2009

We are now well through the Islamic month of Ramadan, and one evening this week Muslims will spend much of the night saying prayers.

It is a time when many are open to the spiritual and the supernatural. Some believe in increased angelic activity and others in miracles and visions.

Over recent years many Christians have used these thirty days to pray for God’s sovereign intervention in the lives of Muslims.

Those participating are encouraged to pray for Muslim friends and acquaintances.

One cannot emphasise enough our total dependence upon the Holy Spirit, and…  ( Click for more )

December 8, 2009

Some years ago a horrendous railroad crash in America took a dreadful toll of life.

A train, filled with young people returning from school, stalled on a suburban track.

Another fast train was due soon.

A flagman was sent down the line to warn the driver in order to avert a collision.

Thinking all was well, the young folks laughed and chatted while the rail employees worked to secure the situation.

Suddenly the whistle of the fast train was heard, and on it thundered, crashing into the one in front, with tragic results.

The driver of the fast train saved his…  ( Click for more )

December 1, 2009

Not all are able, but most are.

Just hours prior to Jesus being crucified He is praying, and the words He prayed have been accurately recorded for succeeding generations.

He asks His Father not to take these disciples out of the world, but to protect them from the evil one. Was this not a risky prayer?

Those men whom He chooses and calls are then commanded to pass on the message of mercy, sacrifice, forgiveness and love.

How would people around the world hear of the grace of God if it were not for those members of the body of Christ, who courageously proclaim and herald…  ( Click for more )

November 24, 2009

Can fear and faith live alongside each other in the one person? Whatever made you ask that question?

Yes, fear and faith are both very real and it is possible to experience both simultaneously.

When Paul came to Corinth he experienced weakness, fear and much trembling, and his faith was strong. His preaching was not an exhibition of oratorical wisdom, nor persuasive words, but the power of God flowed through him, and many lives were touched and influenced.

What might a man do when he senses fear? He can face it and get on with what God wants him to do, or he can compromise,…  ( Click for more )

November 17, 2009

Do you understand something of why there was such a violent storm on the Lake of Galilee that night?

A demonised man is about to be delivered and set free. Could this be prevented? Can this be stopped?

Jesus and His chosen men are sailing across the Lake. Jesus is exhausted. He has been active preaching and teaching and answering questions. He is worn out, physically tired, and falls asleep.

Rest and sleep is all He needs. So often a good sleep might be the therapy to do us most good.

Suddenly there is a storm and the boat is being thrown around.

You can be swimming…  ( Click for more )

November 10, 2009

It is most disconcerting to hear, on television in particular, of a man having to face his demons. The phrase is being used more frequently, totally out of context. When connected with sport, does the commentator actually realise what he is saying?

The Psalmist knew what it was to face such debilitating influences and forces in his life, but he also knew how to deal with them, and he discovered the secret of where to deal with them.

Ruth and Naomi were confronted with challenging situations in life and each dealt with these serious circumstances in very different ways.

There…  ( Click for more )

November 3, 2009

Various idols appeared to be cluttering the life of that rich young ruler, who was so deeply bothered when he asked Jesus regarding how he could be assured of eternal life.

Position, possessions, properties, finance, wealth, all seemed to be priorities, and yet none of these afforded him satisfaction and peace.

The youngest of the twelve disciples of Jesus, who went on to live the longest, wrote, not long before he died, exhorting people to keep themselves free from idols.

The media heightens the status of celebrity today, to such an excessive extent, that it is not far…  ( Click for more )

October 27, 2009

It is not the first time this has happened, but it may be the last.

Bad leadership landed an entire nation in appalling circumstances, and those responsible for the disastrous situation are removed and replaced.

The new leader was young and inexperienced, but he realised what was at stake. Sorting out the mess was going to be extremely difficult, and would take time, because there were no apparent guidelines, and no foundation to build on.

In this desperate attempt to restore the nation, a copy of the Word of God was found in the Temple. God’s Word had been lost…  ( Click for more )

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